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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Road trip Day 4 South Dakota-Minnesota (519 miles)

Day 4:  South Dakota-Minnesota

Yes, we DID have to re-pack and reduce some of the bulk items to fit all of our gear INSIDE the car!!  A car check revealed a potential issue with a tire, thus we needed to seek out a tire repair shop.  Using our trusty "DAVE-the navigator" who tried to take us various ways which only encouraged the driver to make some interesting turns along the way, we found Bargain Tire Barn and Repair in Rapid City, South Dakota.  They were AWESOME, after throughly checking the tire inside and out we were given a clean bill of "health" and sent on our way with cheers and good wishes.

The day presented itself with many different views of corn, beans, baled hay, highway as far as one could see, but we did capture a few photos of some of the things we saw:
Pretty classy rest area's.

Black Hills

A frequent sight along the route.

What's with fire trucks on huge acreage-didn't capture the one that was planted vertical in the ground-wish I had?

Missouri River

Bales were quite abundant!!!

How we look at the end of the day. could even smell it!!!  You could almost taste the kernals just from the sweet smell.

Evidence of the drought was seen while traveling through South Dakota

Lake in Minnesota behind a rest area  (there is a story relating to this picture topic-it will be shared later.

Hitchhiker assisting Dave the Navigotor

Spam Museum, Austin-Minnesota

Yup...this is a fascinating cemetery in Austin, Minnesota

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